Air Texas A/C & Heating

Recommended Thermostat Settings For Summer And Winter

Wall-mounted digital climate control and home thermostat

In Texas, the summers feel like you’ve stepped into an oven, and the winters—though not as harsh as up north—can surprise you with some cold snaps. Finding the balance between comfort & energy efficiency during these seasons is crucial, especially when keeping your utility bills from skyrocketing.

If you are a Texas homeowner, this blog is for you because here, you will learn the recommended thermostat settings for summer and winter, along with some tips to keep you comfortable year-round.

Best Thermostat Settings for Summer in Texas

Texas summers are no joke, with temperatures often soaring into the triple digits. The temptation to blast the air conditioner at the lowest setting is strong, but that could drive your energy bill through the roof. So, what’s the sweet spot for your thermostat in the summer?

Ideal Summer Temperature Settings:

When you’re home: The U.S. Department of Energy recommends setting your thermostat to 78°F during the day when you’re home. This strikes a good balance between keeping cool and saving energy.

Now, I get it, 78°F might sound a little warm, but trust me, it’s an excellent place to start. Ceiling fans or portable fans can help circulate air and make it feel cooler without cranking the AC even more.

When you’re away: Set your thermostat 7–10 degrees higher when no one’s home. So, around 85°F should be good. This helps reduce energy usage without making your home unbearably hot when you return.

If you’ve got a programmable thermostat, you can schedule it to cool back down to 78°F just before you get home, so you walk into comfort without wasting energy.

Additional Summer Tips:

Use a programmable or smart thermostat: This makes it easy to adjust the temperature based on your schedule. Some models even “learn” your preferences over time, making it hassle-free to manage cooling.

Utilize fans: A ceiling fan lets you feel more relaxed without lowering the thermostat. Remember to turn them off when you leave the room—they cool people, not spaces!

Keep heat out: Close your blinds or curtains during the hottest part of the day. This keeps the sun from heating your home, allowing your AC to work less. I’ve seen this little trick save folks a noticeable amount on their electric bills.

Best Thermostat Settings for Winter in Texas

Texas winters may not compare to those in colder states, but don’t let that fool you. We can get some chilly nights and even the occasional freeze. But just like in summer, your heating cost increases if you’re not careful. Let’s look at how to stay cozy without breaking the bank.

Ideal Winter Temperature Settings:

When you’re home: For optimal comfort and energy savings, the Department of Energy suggests setting your thermostat to 68°F while you’re at home and awake. It’s comfortable enough to keep you warm but not so high that it leads to energy waste.

When you’re asleep or away: Lower your thermostat by about 7–10 degrees when you’re sleeping or not at home. This puts you in the 60-62°F range, which helps reduce heating costs. You can throw on an extra blanket at night or snuggle up, and the house will still be comfortable.

Additional Winter Tips:

Insulate your home: Make sure your home is well-sealed and insulated. Leaky windows or doors can let cold air seep in, making your heating system work harder than it needs to. I can’t tell you. Often, I’ve seen homes with inefficient insulation that could save hundreds on heating bills just with some basic improvements.

Use your thermostat’s scheduling feature: Set it to lower the heat when you’re at work or sleeping and to bring the temperature back up before you get home or wake up.

Let the sun in. Open your curtains during the day to let natural sunlight warm your home. Even in winter, the sun’s rays are a free and efficient heat source.

The Benefits of Smart Thermostats

If you haven’t switched to a programmable or intelligent threat, this is the time to do it. They allow you to adjust your home’s temperature even when you’re not there, and many models can be controlled from your smartphone. Plus, they can “learn” your daily habits automatically by making adjustments to maximize comfort and savings.

Follow Our Tips to Stay Comfortable!

Living in Texas means being strategic with your thermostat settings to stay comfortable without blowing up your utility bill. During the hot summer months, aim for 78°F when you’re home and 85°F when you’re not. In the cooler winter months, try keeping your home at 68°F and lowering it when you’re away or asleep.

Contact Air Texas A/C & Heating. With 18+ years in the HVAC industry, we’re here to help Texas homeowners stay comfortable no matter the season!

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